Finanzmathematik I,   WS 2020/21

Vorlesung:  Mo 14:15 - 15:45   und   Di 11:45 - 13:15   via webex-meetings
Übung:        Mo 16:00 - 17:30   via webex-meetings

Bitte melden Sie sich im  Stud.IP  für diese Veranstaltung an.

Aktuell:  Die Noten der Klausur wurden in das Prüfungssystem eingetragen.
Klausur-Einsicht:  Donnerstag 25. März 16:30 - 18:00 Uhr im A131

Material zur Vorlesung: Nach einer kurzen Einleitung "Was sind Finanz-Derivate oder Optionen?" sollen folgende Themen behandelt werden:

Chapter 0: The Main Idea: Replication of Financial Derivatives
Chapter 1: Trading Strategies
Chapter 2: The Binomial Model
Chapter 3: Real World and Risk Neutral Probabilities
Chapter 4: Brownian Motion, Wiener Measure and the Black-Scholes Model
Chapter 5: The Black-Scholes Model as Continuous Time Limit of the Binomial Model
Chapter 6: Price and Greeks of Standard Options
Chapter 7: The Black-Scholes Equation
Chapter 8: Continuous Time Calculus and the Ito-Formula
Chapter 9: The Risk Neutral Pricing Measure for the Black-Scholes Model

Wöchentliches Material:
week1.pdf               PayoffReplication.xlsm
week2a.pdf              week2b.pdf
week3a.pdf              week3b.pdf
week4a.pdf              week4b.pdf             week4a-examples.xlsx
week5a.pdf              week5b.pdf
week6.pdf               ExcelVBA-Uebung10.pdf             ExcelVBA-Loesung10.xlsm
week7a.pdf              week7b.xlsm
week8a.xlsm            week8b.xlsm
week9a.pdf              week9b.pdf             week9.xlsm
week10a.pdf            week10b.pdf
week11a.pdf            week11b.pdf
week12a.pdf            week12b.pdf
week13a.pdf            week13b.pdf           Hedge-Simulation.xlsm

Alle Kapitel:
Finanzmathematik I + II

Hochschule RheinMain Wiesbaden Rüsselsheim, Prof. Dr. D. Lehmann, Studiengang Angewandte Mathematik